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[ Matt's Script Archive ] [ Frequently Asked Questions ] [ WWWBoard ]

  1. WWWAdmin Just Won't Work!
  2. WWWAdmin works, but the password parts don't!
  3. Where can I get add-ons and help for WWWBoard?
  4. Does WWWBoard run on Windows NT4.0?

WWWAdmin Just Won't Work!

One possibility is that you have your base messages in a directory other than messages/ If this is the case, go through the wwwadmin.pl and change all of the messages/ references to the correct directory.

Also, if you have changed the way that messages appear on the main page, it could affect the way that WWWAdmin tries to read WWWBoard html files and then it might not properly work.

WWWAdmin works, but the password parts don't!

    Short Answer:

    This is most likely because you do not have the crypt function available to use or the crypt function on your OS us different than the one on the machine I created these scripts on.

    Long Answer:

    Here are some fixes:

    FreeBSD Changes:

      From: Ron Crisco 
      To: mattw@worldwidemart.com
      Subject: FIXED - WWWBOARD wwwadmin.pl password problem
      The problem was the difference in FreeBSD's crypt.
      The default passwd.txt file (password WebBoard) should be:
      And the wwwadmin.pl file must be changed, too. 
      Three occurrences of
          substr($passwd, 0, 2)
      were changed to
          substr($passwd, 3, 2)
    Red Hat Commercial Linux 2.0

      I was told by Mark Reynolds <mark@rts.com.au> that under Red Hat Commercial Linux 2.0 with a Kernel 1.2.13 on a i586 he had to change the password.txt file to read:
    Systems Not Supporting Crypt (Macintosh, Windows, etc..):

      Near line 521 in wwwadmin.pl, you will see a block of code which looks like:
         $test_passwd = crypt($FORM{'password'}, substr($passwd, 0, 2));
         if ($test_passwd eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username) {
            open(PASSWD,">$basedir/$passwd_file") || &error(no_change);
            $new_password = crypt($FORM{'passwd_1'}, substr($passwd, 0, 2));
      Change this to:
         if ($FORM{'password'} eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username) {
            open(PASSWD,">$basedir/$passwd_file") || &error(no_change);
            $new_password = $FORM{'passwd_1'};

      Then, on line 678 (almost the end) you will find a block of code:

         $test_passwd = crypt($FORM{'password'}, substr($passwd, 0, 2));
         if (!($test_passwd eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username)) {
      Change this to:
         if (!($FORM{'password'} eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username)) {

      Then, open up passwd.txt (or whatever you renamed your password file to) and change the line from:

      Or whatever you want your new username:password combination to be.

Where can I get add-ons and help for WWWBoard?

    Short Answer:

    DBasics Software offers several add-ons with information on how to install them free to anyone.

    Long Answer:

    DBasics Software offers the following add-ons for your WWWBoard:

    • Operating Multiple Boards On One WWWBOARD.CGI
    • Customizing the look of WWWBOARD posts
    • Simple WWWBoard Search Engine
    • Viewing Messages Before Posting
    • Creating a Private WWWBoard
    • Denying WWWBOARD Accessing
    • Subscribing Function for Matt's WWWBoard
    • How To Send WWWBOARD.CGI Digested Articles

Does WWWBoard run on Windows NT4.0?

    Short Answer:

    WWWBoard was originally written to run on a Unix based system, but it can be modified to run on other platforms.

    Long Answer:

    I have received the following two messages about converting WWWBoard to NT. It doesn't sound difficult, however I do not guarauntee that either of the following solutions will work for you.:
     Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 16:03:26 -0400
     From: Jon Robison <jon@central-design.com>
     Subject: WWWBoard on NT - One Solution
     I would like to offer the solution I found.
     On systems using Win Nt 4.0 Server, with IIS, and using
     Perl.exe associated with .pl files rather than PerlIS, the
     following is the only change needed:
     For the $basedir variable, use double backslashes. i.e., mine
     is set to: "c:\\inetsrv\\wwwroot\\..........\\wwwboard"
     This was the only change needed beyond ensuring read/write
     permission for both the main board directory (wwwboard) and
     it subdirectory /messages.

    From: Steve Whan <Steve.Whan@BCHydro.bc.ca>
    Subject: WWWBoard on NT 4.0
    We only had to make two types of fixes:
    1) $basedir = "q:\\InetPub\\wwwroot\\live\\buysell";
    2) The OPEN statements now look like this: 
    open(NEWFILE,">$basedir\\$mesgdir\\$num\.$ext") || die $!;

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