WWWAdmin Just Won't Work!One possibility is that you have your base messages in a directory other than messages/ If this is the case, go through the wwwadmin.pl and change all of the messages/ references to the correct directory. WWWAdmin works, but the password parts don't!Short Answer:This is most likely because you do not have the crypt function available to use or the crypt function on your OS us different than the one on the machine I created these scripts on.
Long Answer:Here are some fixes:
WebAdmin:aeb/uHhRv6x2LQvxyii4Azf1Systems Not Supporting Crypt (Macintosh, Windows, etc..):
$test_passwd = crypt($FORM{'password'}, substr($passwd, 0, 2)); if ($test_passwd eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username) { open(PASSWD,">$basedir/$passwd_file") || &error(no_change); $new_password = crypt($FORM{'passwd_1'}, substr($passwd, 0, 2)); ...Change this to: if ($FORM{'password'} eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username) { open(PASSWD,">$basedir/$passwd_file") || &error(no_change); $new_password = $FORM{'passwd_1'}; ... Then, on line 678 (almost the end) you will find a block of code: $test_passwd = crypt($FORM{'password'}, substr($passwd, 0, 2)); if (!($test_passwd eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username)) { &error(bad_combo); }Change this to: if (!($FORM{'password'} eq $passwd && $FORM{'username'} eq $username)) { &error(bad_combo); } Then, open up passwd.txt (or whatever you renamed your password file to) and change the line from: WebAdmin:aepTOqxOi4i8UTo: WebAdmin:WebBoardOr whatever you want your new username:password combination to be.
Where can I get add-ons and help for WWWBoard?
Short Answer:DBasics Software offers several add-ons with information on how to install them free to anyone.
Long Answer:DBasics Software offers the following add-ons for your WWWBoard: Does WWWBoard run on Windows NT4.0?Short Answer:WWWBoard was originally written to run on a Unix based system, but it can be modified to run on other platforms.
Long Answer:I have received the following two messages about converting WWWBoard to NT. It doesn't sound difficult, however I do not guarauntee that either of the following solutions will work for you.:Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 16:03:26 -0400 From: Jon Robison <jon@central-design.com> Subject: WWWBoard on NT - One Solution I would like to offer the solution I found. On systems using Win Nt 4.0 Server, with IIS, and using Perl.exe associated with .pl files rather than PerlIS, the following is the only change needed: For the $basedir variable, use double backslashes. i.e., mine is set to: "c:\\inetsrv\\wwwroot\\..........\\wwwboard" This was the only change needed beyond ensuring read/write permission for both the main board directory (wwwboard) and it subdirectory /messages.From: Steve Whan <Steve.Whan@BCHydro.bc.ca> Subject: WWWBoard on NT 4.0 We only had to make two types of fixes: 1) $basedir = "q:\\InetPub\\wwwroot\\live\\buysell"; 2) The OPEN statements now look like this: open(NEWFILE,">$basedir\\$mesgdir\\$num\.$ext") || die $!;
Matt Wright - mattw@worldwidemart.com |